China’s Disputed Virus Theory Has Shoppers Shunning Foreign Food

Bloomberg News 21 January 2021, 11:00 GMT-5 Updated on 22 January 2021, 03:03 GMT-5 A customer looks at imported meat at an Ole supermarket in Shanghai, on Jan. 19. In Beijing and Shanghai, supermarkets are required to have separate shelves and sections for imported frozen food to avoid cross contamination. Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg At […]

Tyson Foods to increase virus testing in US meat plants

The Springdale, Arkansas-based company, which processes about 20% of all beef, pork and chicken in the U.S., will randomly test employees who have no symptoms, as well as those with symptoms. Workers will also be tested if they were near someone who tested positive or displayed symptoms.

Meat plants required to strengthen inspections

The National Health Commission has ordered meat processing plants in China to clearly identify the sources of their poultry and livestock meat and only accept imports that have obtained negative test results for the novel coronavirus.

Beef market update where cash is king


Beef Market Update: Cash is King POSTED BY: MEATBUSINESS AUGUST 6, 2019 The calendar has flipped into August and cattle producers are looking forward to the fall yearling and feeder run by Shaun Haney – Real Ag Radio During the past week, live cattle struggled to gain momentum but ended up fairing […]

Gulfood show: 4 useful tips + Free BI Report from Brazil Exports

Are you attending the Gulfood Trade Show this year? As part of our mission of aiding you Grow your Business, here are 4 useful tips from UBI Beef Inspection to help you make the most of the fair: 1 – Let everyone know you’ll be there well in advance. Therefore invite your potential buyers and set up appointments […]