Meat plants required to strengthen inspections

The National Health Commission has ordered meat processing plants in China to clearly identify the sources of their poultry and livestock meat and only accept imports that have obtained negative test results for the novel coronavirus.

New set of rules for Chinese meat importers

“All imported meat products must certify, among other documents, the necessary certificate to carry out nucleic acid tests. Full traceability of all meat products must be proven. All slaughtered animals from which meat imported into China is sourced must originate from areas considered to be non-epidemic.

La culpa no es de las vacas

El ataque que sufre desde hace algunos años la producción de carne por parte de ambientalistas, con argumentos de dudosa validez científica, tiene un punto de inflexión en la pandemia de Covid-19

China Points to Shrimp as Virus Carrier After Salmon Debacle

Bloomberg News 10 July 2020, 04:19 GMT-4 Updated on 10 July 2020, 06:58 GMT-4  Virus tested positive on inside and outside packaging  Shrimp from 3 Ecuador plants will be halted for imports China said samples of imported shrimp tested positive for the coronavirus, raising questions again over whether the pathogen can spread […]