Beef supply chain contributions to global GHG emissions need to go down, and they can. However, in order to unlock the opportunities, leadership is needed, finds a new report from Rabobank.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced $55.2 million in competitive grant funding available through the new Meat and Poultry Inspection Readiness Grant (MPIRG) program.
Many regions around the world are experiencing high prices for beef or cattle, leaving analysts at Rabobank to question whether that will ultimately force overseas prices to drop.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has declined a request by the pork industry to increase the speed at which pigs can be processed into meat, delivering a victory to slaughterhouse workers who had raised safety concerns about the plan
En 2020, el consumo interno se ubicó en un equivalente de 50,2 kilos por habitante. Se trata de una de las peores marcas históricas; no obstante, el país sigue por arriba de Uruguay y Estados Unidos, entre otras naciones
Los videos que el INAC realizó para demostrar la seguridad sanitaria en las plantas frigoríficas, enviados a los países que importan carnes uruguayas, tienen información en inglés, con subtítulos en chino