Nuevas formas de comerciar en tiempos de pandemia


Luego de que China informara la detección de restos de Covid-19
en mariscos y en empaques de carnes congelada, se tuvo como
consecuencia un aumento en los controles de calidad no sólo durante
el proceso de elaboración de los productos de origen animal sino
también en los controles de calidad que se llaman de “pre-embarque”.

Beef market update where cash is king


Beef Market Update: Cash is King POSTED BY: MEATBUSINESS AUGUST 6, 2019 The calendar has flipped into August and cattle producers are looking forward to the fall yearling and feeder run by Shaun Haney – Real Ag Radio During the past week, live cattle struggled to gain momentum but ended up fairing […]

Gulfood show: 4 useful tips + Free BI Report from Brazil Exports

Are you attending the Gulfood Trade Show this year? As part of our mission of aiding you Grow your Business, here are 4 useful tips from UBI Beef Inspection to help you make the most of the fair: 1 – Let everyone know you’ll be there well in advance. Therefore invite your potential buyers and set up appointments […]

Beef Inspections as a tool to Grow your Business

UBI Beef Inspections – Your outsourced Quality Meat Control Highlight of last month: Rump & Loins Hilton Today we are sharing a real life example of how Beef Inspections will help you grow your business: Every month we select one case-study among our various quality meat controls performed between Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay. To […]